Portraits of Austria

A project we did last year.

Portraits of Austria.
A Film- and Photoseries.


Featuring 10 unique episodes showing a multitude of different world views, lifestyles and ways of living. The portraits talk about their past, their dreams and passions.

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Portraits of Austria started mid 2018 as a passion project created by the founder Jann Doll. Initially published as an online series on Instagram and YouTube, Portraits of Austria received a lot of attention and led to planning an event to gather fans and portraits alike.

In November 2019 the first Portraits of Austria exhibition took place in Graz, giving the visitors the opportunity to watch all the new episodes and meet the “Portraits of Austria” themselves.

Every “Portrait” designed their own personal space/showcase-area with personal belongings which gave an insight into the person’s life. Every showcase-area had a TV screen with Headphones, enabling the visitors to watch the episode on the spot and later have a discussion with the “Portrait”.


Watch the Episodes on
Youtube & Instagram

But why all the work and effort?

We think, that the better you understand different lifestyles, cultures and perspectives, the better we can understand each other.